Dr. Hayal Hanoğlu
- Title: Migration, Alevis, and Alevism (One Part)
- Başlık: Göç, Aleviler ve Alevilik (Tek Bölüm)
- Date: 1 Nov/Kas 2023
Recommended Readings / Önerilen Okumalar
Akdemir, A. (2016b). Boundary-making and Alevi community in Britain. In T. Issa (Ed.), Alevis in Europe: Voices of migration, culture and identity (pp. 173-188) Routledge.
Brubaker, R. (2013). Language, religion and the politics of difference. Nations and Nationalism, 19(1), 1-20.
Çobanoğlu, Y. (2023). İngiltere’de “Alevi olmak”: Diasporada Alevi kimliğinin kuruluşu. Turkish Studies, 18(3), 923-946.
De Haas, H. (2005). International migration, remittances and development: Myths and facts. Third World Quarterly, 26(8), 1269-1284.
Erol, A. (2012). Identity, migration and transnationalism: Expressive cultural practices of the Toronto Alevi community. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(5), 833-849.
Hanoglu, H. (2022). From ‘yol’ to diasporic Alevism: migration and religious change among Alevis in Britain. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 50 (4): 983–1001
Hanoglu, H. (2023). Migration, collective remittances and religion: the growth of Alevi worship places (cemevi) in the rural homeland. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-22.
Issa, T. (Ed.). (2016). Alevis in Europe: Voices of migration, culture and identity. Routledge.
Salman, C. (2020). Diasporic homeland, rise of identity and new traditionalism: The case of the British Alevi festival. Kurdish Studies, 8(1), 113-132.
Sökefeld, M. (2008). Struggling for recognition; the Alevi movement in Germany and in transnational space. NY and Oxford: Berghahn Books.