Dr. Sinan Birdal
Title: The Historical Sociology of the Pandemic (Part 1)- Başlık: Salgının Tarihsel Sosyolojisi (Bölüm 1)
- Date/Tarih: 21 May/Mayıs 2020
Recommended Readings / Önerilen Okumalar
- https://mronline.org/2020/01/29/notes-on-a-novel-coronavirus%20
- https://monthlyreview.org/2020/05/01/covid-19-and-circuits-of-capital/
- Eugene Thacker, The Shadows of Atheology: Epidemics, Power and Life After Foucault, Theory Culture Society 26(6): 134-152.
- McNeill, William Hardy. 1979. Plagues and Peoples /. [New ed.]. A Peregrine Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin